19 February 2014

Liebster Award!

So, I'm not at all new to this blogging thing, as most of you who have followed me from The Coexist Cafe are aware of. However, since rebranding, it's been a bit difficult to bust into the "mommy blog" scene, probably because this is relatively new territory for me!

In my forays into the lives of other mamas, though, I've come across many lovely bloggers, including my new favorite, Courtney of The Brown Girl with Long Hair. (Seriously, go check her out, she's hilarious and knowledgeable! And her hair is to DIE for.) I really want to thank her for making mama blogging fun and informative.

Apparently, she thinks I'm not too bad, either, as she recently presented the Liebster Award to me! D'aww, Courtney, you shouldn't have! It's an award that helps promote and show support to up and coming bloggers, which means a lot to me both as someone who has seen both sides of blogging, as a veteran and a newbie. So thank you, Courtney, this means more to me than you can imagine!

I am nominating the following bloggers for the same award -- you'll have to forgive that this list is short, I plan on adding more mama blogs to my roll in coming months. Trust me, though, you'll enjoy these!

A Vegas Girl at Heart
The Tao of Poop
Confessions of a Modern Witch
The Secret Life of the American Witch
Chronicles of an Anthropology Nerd
Charming Little Bee
Narragansett No. 7 (someone tell her to COME BACK already!)
Bookish Mama

Nominees who accept are to write a blog post which includes the following:

*Thank the person who has nominated you and link back to their blog (by posting a link on yours). Done!
*Copy and display the award in your blogpost (save the pink image above and upload it to your own post). Done!
*Answer the 11 questions about yourself, which are given to you by the person who nominated you. Below!
*Write 11 random facts about yourself. Below!
*Nominate 5 – 11 blogs/bloggers that you feel deserve the award. They need to have less than 1000 followers. Um... not sure about "less than 1000", but I love them! Done!
*Think of 11 new questions for the bloggers you have nominated and write them in your post. Below!
*Inform the selected bloggers that they have been nominated for the Liebster award and link back to your own post so that they can learn about it (if they don’t already about it) and so that they know what questions to answer. In progress! :)

Those of you who were nominated, here are my 11 questions to you! Answer them on your blog and come play along!
  1. Water or soda (or other)?
  2. Morning or evening?
  3. Wake up as soon as the alarm goes off, or snooze forever?
  4. Socks or sandals? (You are NOT allowed to say "both".)
  5. Makeup or au natural?
  6. Boob or bottle? (No judgement here, I use both!)
  7. AM or FM?
  8. Disney or Sea World?
  9. Passing gas... where is it coming out? (We keep it klassy.)
  10. Favorite season?
  11. Finish this sentence: If I could be or do anything in the world, I would...
Ooh, and here are Courtney's 11 questions for me, followed by 11 facts about me:

  1. Beach or mountains? BEACH. No hesitation there.
  2. Car or SUV? Car, but my time with the Ford Flex may have converted me. Except the gas mileage... phew.
  3. Back in the day before reality TV took over...MTV or VH-1? Oh man. MTV, woo!
  4. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds, if only because I'd be a piss-poor pearl owner.
  5. Bagel or donut? Donut. Duh.
  6. Shower or bath? Shower. Baths weird me out.
  7. Jean cut-offs or denim skirt? It's so 90's, but jean cut-offs. With the fringe and all.
  8. Colonial or ranch? Colonial, I guess? I don't really have a preference so long as I have a roof over my head and I can decorate it however I want!
  9. CDs or radio? Radio for the most part. Unless we're on a road trip.
  10. Riding boots or ankle boots? Derrr... boots? I'm still so unsophisticated when it comes to what a good boot is.
  11. Beer or wine? BEER. The darker, the better.

11 facts... this was more difficult than I thought it'd be.

  1. I am the oldest of three. My sister is 11 months younger, my brother is 8 years younger.
  2. Despite never having seen snow before 2010, I've always wanted to snowboard.
  3. I also want to SCUBA, which makes much more sense considering where I'm from.
  4. Oh yeah... born and raised in south Florida. Ask me how the goddamn winter is.
  5. I was vegetarian for 16 years. And now I love bacon. Stranger things, people.
  6. I'm not very Type A when it comes to most things. My husband is. ;)
  7. Despite working for a jewelry company, I'm not all that big on jewelry.
  8. I didn't start wearing makeup regularly until after our wedding (2010).
  9. My favorite holiday is Halloween, and not only because that's our wedding anniversary!
  10. I consider myself a naturalistic panentheistic Pagan. (Try saying that ten times fast.)
  11. I grew up Catholic, and still like attending Mass for symbolic and nostalgic reasons.
Thank you again, Courtney! I hope everyone enjoys checking out these blogs! Now to check out your nominees...

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