21 November 2013

Relactation Journey: A new high!

I was just thinking to myself about a week ago, how awesome would it be if I never had to travel along the relactation road. How great to not have to worry about my supply, to maybe even have an oversupply, to pump what my son needed without effort, to generally not waste these months of my life for what.

Then... I have a day like this:

photo 5

And all doubt goes flying out the window!

(Okay, so I still wish I hadn't stopped, but I'm glad to have both our breastfeeding relationship AND my sanity back. ;))

People. That's 12oz right there, only 3oz short of what my son takes in on a daily basis while at daycare. That's enough for almost three whole bottles, and considering I have about 2oz left at home, I only need to make up a tiny bit with formula.

Or, since he's really digging food right about now, bring an extra snack to daycare:

photo 2 (1)

I am beyond thrilled by where this journey has taken me. It has been a long, difficult, and for the first month, seemingly unproductive test of my patience and my perseverance. And here we are today: Pumping almost everything he needs, breastfeeding full-time at home, and giving my all to this little charmer.


My regimen is ever strict, is never bending, and is as follows:

  • 80mg Domperidone, spread 3/3/2

  • 6 Fenugreek pills, spread 2/2/2

  • 4 More Milk Special Blend, spread 1/2/1

  • lactation cookies from Miracles for Mommy, 1 during my first morning pump

  • pumping with my Spectra Dew 350 hospital-grade pump

I pump three times a day at work, then breastfeed at least three times while at home on weekdays and exclusively (so 5-7 times) over the weekend.

Guys. I seriously went from absolutely nothing -- to not even a hint of milk -- to making almost everything my son needs. Can you even imagine?!

photo 4

This is NOT a journey for the weak-willed, and I have to admit that it's not the right journey for everyone (I'm thinking mainly about those who can't breastfeed for whatever reason, be it medical or physical or mental or any combination thereof), but I'm incredibly glad I took it.

And judging by how readily he breastfeeds, I imagine he is, too. :)

Though at this point, he eats just about anything... LOL

Though at this point, he eats just about anything... LOL

And finally, I can't NOT post this picture:

photo 3

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